How to Attract Non-Applying Candidates During Recruitment

How to Attract Non-Applying Candidates During Recruitment

In most organizations the recruitment process is arranged in such a way that 25 percent of the potential candidates apply. Applicants who primarily see job ads are actively looking for a new job. They are also called "active candidates".

How to Attract Non-Applying Candidates During Recruitment

How to Attract Non-Applying Candidates During Recruitment

But this leaves out 75 percent of the potential candidates. Because they are not actively looking for a job. These are called "passive candidates". Most of such candidates are working efficiently in some organization. As a result, they are very qualified candidates.

However, if the recruitment process is designed consciously, it is possible to attract both active and passive candidates. It allows you to select the best people to work in your company.

Here is the need to consciously organize the recruitment process. A few tips on how to decorate with

 Need to attract both active and inactive candidates simultaneously

The best recruitment process is one where all potential candidates are targeted. If the recruitment process is organized in this way, the application rate of skilled and talented candidates increases. As a result, very strict criteria can be maintained while hiring. And suitable people are also appointed for vacant posts.

Whether a candidate is active or inactive depends on the situation. An inactive candidate may also apply if he gets a job offer for an attractive position. Again an active candidate may not be active for long.

Here are some tips to grab the attention of both active and passive candidates while recruiting:

1. Determine what the ideal candidate will look like

Before circulating the recruitment notice for any post, it is necessary to decide what characteristics are required in the employees who are going to work for that post. A good way to do this is to find the best among the employees working in the organization. Next, make a list of the skills and abilities they have that enable them to do their job successfully. In this way, you can make a good decision about hiring an inactive candidate. It will also help in evaluating new candidates.

2. How to reach out to those who won't apply

Active candidates will apply through the normal process after seeing the job notification. So it is very easy to reach such candidates. But attracting passive candidates is a bit tricky. They are not supposed to apply just by looking at your organization's job advertisement. So you have to go to them. That's why talented and skilled

3. Brand your organization when it comes to recruiting

Many inactive candidates will apply to your organization only if they get more salary, not so. They need a better reason to leave another organization and come to yours.

One of the best ways to attract such candidates to the organization is to establish your organization as an attractive brand for recruitment. If candidates know about your organization through branding, their chances of applying increase.

That's why you can highlight your company on social media. Apart from branding, it also makes it easier to communicate with potential candidates. In order to hire the best people in the organization, it is important to be visible to them. Especially if those people don't need new jobs. That is, ensure that they regularly learn about your organization.

4. communication

Your communication style may differ with active and inactive candidates. For example, inactive candidates may not apply to your organization if they are unlikely to meet all their needs. So take the time to convince them how working for your company is going to be a great opportunity for them.

Convince them of the benefits of working in your organization. Tell them why they are a good fit for the position and how it will improve their career.

 Recruitment, Jobseekers, Tips

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