3 Ways to Be Honest with Employees on Virtual Platforms

3 Ways to Be Honest with Employees on Virtual Platforms

We live in an information age.  In this era, it is very important to be empathetic to understand the emotions of others.  Because without empathy any level of communication or understanding is impossible.  In today's busy world there are many tools and methods to communicate information effectively.  But now there is not much emphasis on connecting with each other mentally.

3 Ways to Be Honest with Employees on Virtual Platforms

3 Ways to Be Honest with Employees on Virtual Platforms

Research has shown that practicing empathy in the workplace is very important. And being empathetic to remote work or work-from-home employees is essential to their success in the workplace. Numerous studies have shown that employees who practice empathy in a workplace are happier, more productive, and stay with the organization longer.

In one study, the brains of workers were monitored using brain-imaging technology. There, workers were asked to think about bosses who were harsh or who lacked empathy. It turns out that the part of the brain that triggers negative emotions or avoidance becomes active when workers think about them. Similarly, when thinking about a sympathetic boss, the part of their brain that deals with positive emotions was activated.

We know what the results can be when an avoidance mentality sets in. The level of alienation from the boss may increase, communication may weaken, mutual cooperation may decrease, which may eventually lead to the employee's resignation.

Meanwhile, being empathetic becomes more complicated when leading virtual or hybrid teams. Because some of your team members may not be in the office on any working day. In this, the way we interact with each other face-to-face in the conventional office is no longer the case. As a result, new ways must be found to lead employees more effectively. Find ways to socialize with others that don't require face-to-face meetings or small talk. Rather, from the responsibility of leadership, you have to come forward yourself to be compassionate.

Some of the ways you can follow to become a more empathetic leader or boss are:

1. See the whole person

Leading by example is important when leading a remote team or hybrid team. Moreover, remote team or conventional office workers, whatever the case may be, should not be considered as employees only. Rather, it is necessary to think as a whole person. This advice sounds easy, but we don't want to focus on doing things that we don't have immediate experience doing naturally.

For this, the opportunity to meet all the colleagues should be created on the virtual platform. Whether at work or at home, everyone should be encouraged to talk about themselves, their families and their interests.

When working as a team, create an environment where all employees feel comfortable talking about their personal issues. The more such social interaction there is, the stronger the relationship of trust between all.

2. Emphasize positive motives behind employees' work

Remote working involves working with a lot of information. Misunderstandings are easy when exchanging this information online. So that many people can be disappointed with the online platform.

In addition, even if no one has negative intentions, there may be problems of understanding within the team if they are suspected of having such. Therefore, practicing self-compassion will reduce the tendency to find negative motives in the work of colleagues. The work of the organization will move forward with everyone's cooperation.

3. Ensure emotional safety of employees

The teams that work best in organizations have one thing in common. And that is the place of mental protection. Successful team members have the assurance that they will not be punished for making mistakes.

Research has shown that when employees are emotionally secure, they are willing to take risks at work, speak their minds, and work in creative ways. Only when employees have these characteristics, something new is invented from them.

Finally, one of the easiest ways to lead empathetically is to have an attitude of helping employees. Sometimes it's not enough to simply express your grief when dealing with bad news from colleagues. Instead, try to be there for them in times of trouble or know if they need help. Someone needs to be by their side in danger or trouble. And that's how you can empathize with employees as a boss.

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