Collaboration Technology In Creating Collaborative Relationships Among Employees.

Collaboration Technology In Creating Collaborative Relationships Among Employees. 

No particular person is given priority while working in groups in the organization. On the other hand, a business is built mainly through team effort. And for this, cooperation or collaboration is required.

Collaboration Technology In Creating Collaborative Relationships Among Employees.
Collaboration Technology In Creating Collaborative Relationships Among Employees. 

But building a cooperative relationship between everyone can be very difficult. So it is quite common to fail in collaboration. According to a survey, 85% of employees think that not being able to collaborate properly and having poor communication among themselves is the reason behind the failure of a project.

But today, with the help of advanced technology and IoT devices, businesses can solve the problem of collaboration among employees in various ways.

Organizations can now use machine learning to make accurate decisions on many issues. Again, many means of communication or channels are being created now. As a result, new ways of using technology are being created.

According to a survey, 83% of workers now rely on technology to collaborate better. And there are enough reasons behind it.  

1. Facilitate communication through a specific medium

Communication problems also make it difficult to work through collaboration. 57% of workers feel that they get unclear instructions from their bosses while working.

Therefore, it can be seen that companies that can find appropriate strategies for communication among employees are about 3.5 times more productive than competing companies. Therefore, the use of technology is very important to improve the communication system.

But nowadays there are many apps for communication. Don't get confused by so many alternative apps. First you need to understand which app will work best for your company. Therefore, you can first consider which software you will use for various tasks like e-mail management, video conference solution or cloud phone system.

Once the necessary software and communication media are in place for the organization, it must be ensured that all employees can use them properly. In this way it is possible to work the organization more easily through collaboration.

2. Remote work made easy

Remote work has many advantages. One of them is increased employee productivity. Many may be surprised to hear this at first. But better collaboration is possible through remote work.

Researchers at the MIT Sloan School of Management conducted a study on the effectiveness of employees working from home. Research shows that 93% of employees feel that their collaboration is improved through remote work. Basically, they can perform better in environments where attention is less likely to be lost.

Therefore employees working from home should be allowed to use appropriate technology. One can start with video conferencing software for effective meetings with them. You can also keep in mind the use of 'time tracker application' to keep track of time. It will track the productivity of the employees and they will also be more responsible.

3. More transparency comes in project management   

Employees are often required to 'multitask' or perform multiple tasks simultaneously. When they lose interest in doing so much work, it becomes difficult to finish the work. According to one survey, 97% of employees and executives blame this lack of alignment as the reason a project fails.

That's why 'project management software' is a popular technology. According to the survey, 77% of the most successful projects of various organizations are completed on time due to the use of such software.

These softwares make project work easier. At the same time, it helps to track various changes in the work, and keep a note of project duration and cost.

4. Easy access to data. 

During collaboration, employees have to work with multiple files and resources. So getting data is very important. Employees can collaborate more easily when they have easy access to data in real time.

So if you haven't already started using cloud technology in your organization, then you should definitely think about it. If nothing else, your file sharing and remote collaboration will be much easier.

5. Building good relationships with customers. 

Customer Experience is very important for business g rowth. Companies that use 'CRM' or 'Customer Relationship Management' tools can increase their 'Return on Investment' by up to 40%. It not only increases the company's sales. Rather, employees from all departments can work collaboratively to improve customer relationships.

6. Reduces the hassle of small tasks. 

Every day workers have to do some monotonous work. Maybe they have to send hundreds of e-mails, schedule messages, or do boring tasks like punching time cards.

As officials know, such tasks often pile up as employees try to avoid them.

According to the survey, 25% of the workers feel bored doing extra work in the office. And when there's too much detail, employees lack focus and enthusiasm for collaboration.

The solution is automation. Virtual time cards or cloud-based calendars can greatly reduce the hassle of such small tasks for employees.

#office #worker #collaboration

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