The importance of digital literacy

The importance of digital literacy

Digital literacy is one of the most important skills you need to have as a person in modern society.

But digital literacy is not complete just by using a computer. Digital literacy is even more important.

Digital literacy is one of the most important skills you need to have as a person in modern society.    But digital literacy is not complete just by using a computer.  Digital literacy is even more important.

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As technology becomes more important in our daily lives, so does digital literacy. Many may have heard of the term ‘digital literacy’ or ‘digital literacy’, but never tried to learn more about it. But even at the moment of reading this post, you are using your skills with digital literacy. 

What is digital literacy? 

Digital literacy is the ability to use computers, internet and technology. Examples of digital literacy range from playing mobile games to using email and watching videos on YouTube.

Being able to post on social media means you have the knowledge of digital literacy. Like general literacy, digital literacy is not limited to being able to receive information. Rather, being able to create new information is also part of digital literacy.

Another definition of digital literacy at Cornell University in the United States is: "Digital literacy is the use of information technology and the Internet to find, evaluate and share content and create new content."

This definition paints a comprehensive picture of the skills involved in digital literacy. Not only sound education but his alertness and dedication too are most required for digital literacy.

Now you must have realized that you often use digital literacy. Now you can understand why it is so important.

Like any skill, digital literacy has to be mastered through constant use. Even 15 years ago, you did not have a Facebook page or a smartphone. Your digital literacy skills are now being developed through social media accounts or smartphones.

Protect communication through digital

Digital literacy keeps you more connected to others. More information can be used through this. There are more benefits to those who do not use the Internet. Having multiple social media platforms makes it much easier to choose the one you like. With digital literacy you can easily decide in any case. 

Technology is becoming more complex day by day 

You weren't on Facebook just 15 years ago today. But now maybe Facebook has become one of the most important part of your life. You can't predict where technology will take you in the future. At the same time, new technologies are creating a world where technology is evolving much faster than users.

It is both a blessing and a curse. One of the dangers, for example, is that technology has entered a part of our lives that is not yet regulated by laws or customs. That's why you get a lot of scam calls or messages on the internet.

One of the advantages of this development of technology is that the interest in learning has increased among those who have digital literacy. If you use the most modern technology, you will be part of the development of technology along with others in the society. This can be a wonderful thing for you. Because it will continue to practice your brain through the development of new skills.

If you use new technology, you can easily hone your skills in digital literacy. Just as technology is advancing based on its old models, you can also acquire new skills based on your old skills. Today's smart phones have been developed by adding new features and capabilities to ordinary phones. In the same way, you will become smarter by acquiring new skills.

So when you start using a new technology, there is nothing to fear. Because even in new technology there is no such big change that you will not understand. But if you haven't used any technology before, the latest version of that technology will be a little difficult for you. And you will feel as if you have been acquiring digital literacy from the very beginning. 

Don't be fooled 

The words "fake news" or "fake Tips" have been used by many lately. False or misleading news is often seen through digital. It is important to have digital literacy to understand which of these is misleading or false and which source of information is reliable.

As well as digital literacy skills that you will gain to assess the authenticity of any information, you will also be protected from fraud.

By knowing what is possible through digital, you can be aware of the dangers that can occur. Digital literacy will help you to know the various signs of fraud and avoid it.

Similarly, having digital literacy will also protect you from being a victim of identity theft or 'identity theft'. 

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