The Impact Of Social Media Use In Life? what To

The Impact Of Social Media Use In Life? what To Do 

Until just a few years ago we did a lot of work without the help of digital devices. Tasks ranged from writing to shopping. Now when we think about those tasks, we first reach towards cellphone or PC. This is how we are making our daily life much easier by using digital devices. As a result, the use of these devices is increasing day by day.

The Impact Of Social Media Use In Life? what To
The Impact Of Social Media Use In Life? what To 

But because of social media, digital devices are the most used nowadays. Currently, almost half of the world's people use some form of social media or social media regularly. As a result, many of our daily needs are being fulfilled through social media through the use of digital devices. In addition to regular communication with known people, most people now rely on social media for shopping, business or to know the news of the country and abroad.

That is, a kind of digital change is coming in our lives centered on social media. But care must be taken so that this change does not cause us harm.

A 2016 study by Australian psychologists highlighted the negative aspects of social media. Studies have shown that social media can increase our stress, loneliness or feelings of inadequacy. That is, social media can have a harmful effect on our lives if we are not careful in using it.

Therefore, we should avoid the harmful aspects of the digital changes that are coming in our lives through social media or online.

1. less checked

A recent survey was conducted on social media users. It has been found that those who frequently check social media and have more notifications on their devices suffer from more stress than others.

Another study revealed that too many email notifications on the phone or PC can actually reduce our productivity. According to the research report, checking the email inbox should be limited to a maximum of 3 times a day. In this way, the mental stress of online users can come down a lot.

So go to the settings of your device and fix the maximum notification limit for any app. This will reduce the amount of checking other programs or sites like social media or email.

2. Please post thoughtfully

A study done a few years ago showed that people who use violent words while tweeting are more likely to develop heart disease. Another study conducted on Facebook users showed similar results. It has been found that people who experience negative experiences while using Facebook are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety.

Therefore, you need to be careful not to harm your physical or mental health as a result of your activities online. Therefore, before posting any picture, video or text, think about possible reactions.

3. Play an active role online

Going from being inactive on social media to only following others has several downsides. For example, it can cause social media users to become jealous of others. It also allows them to compare their social status with others. As a result, the possibility of stress or depression also increases.

Similarly there are some beneficial aspects of actively using social media. For example, playing an active role in social media creates new connections with many people. On the other hand, having constructive discussions respecting the opinions of other users increases self-confidence.

4. Avoid hateful content

Try to avoid posts that are meant to denigrate a person or organization. This type of online activity is called cyberbullying. Since the popularization of social media, the rate of cyberbullying on the Internet has increased.

If you believe a post is cyberbullying, report the post. Also be careful about sharing personal information on social networking sites.

5. Maintain real status

There are many people who get frustrated with their position after seeing celebrities and people with popular profiles on social media. So there is one thing to remember while using social media. That is, others post information on their social media that they want to share with others. That is, since you can't know everything about their life, there is no point in comparing yourself with their posts on social media.

Also, try to present yourself on social media as you really are. By doing this, as you will develop sincere relationships with others, you will also be mentally stress-free.

6. Set work deadlines

You can create a routine so that you can focus on your work every day. If you use devices to spend time online or on social media during work, you will not be able to focus on work. So try to avoid social media as much as possible while studying or working.

7. Do not use the device before going to bed

Studies have shown that people who use social media before going to bed, usually have trouble sleeping. And with time, their performance decreases even when working during the day.

Many experts give a suggestion to avoid this complication. That is, at least one hour before going to sleep, all types of digital devices with screens, including mobile phones, should be kept away from the eyes.

8. Contact people you know directly

Many social media users spend so much time online that they often forget about the people around them. In this way, they reduce direct communication with familiar people. This often creates complications in their relationships with family or friends.

So apart from using social media, keep in regular contact with people you know in real life as well.

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